Soundtrack for your favorite book in seconds
Featured Soundtracks
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
A Game of Thrones
The Great Gatsby
War and Peace
Recently Made
Pedro Páramo
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger
El Túnel
How does it work?
The most important of the soundtrack generation is a sufficiently large database of music tracks described in natural language. Currently, the database contains 15103 mostly classical music pieces by 436 different composers. Expanding the database will be the main focus of the further development of this project.
The tracks descriptions are encoded as vector embeddings. When generating a „soundtrack“, an LLM is tasked to suggest what kind of music would be suitable for the book in question, and this description is transformed into embeddings as well. Since the LLM is provided only the name and author of the literary work, it is expected that this process will work well only for famous-enough books that are sufficiently represented in the training corpus. For less known or recent books, the LLM will be prone to hallucinations. In the future I plan to include the whole book content (e.g. Gemini would be more than capable for this challenge), similarly as in the illustrations part of this project – this would overcome the under-representation issue.
At this point, the soundtracks are very hit-or-miss, but it serves well enough the purpose of creating a suitable playlists for those of us who like to listen to music while reading. If you have any suggestions for this project, you’re welcome to contact me via Telegram or at robert dot druska at gmail dot com.